Created with three specific ambitions in mind.

This industry is the greatest industry on the planet. You know you’re a part of something special when you can sit anywhere on the planet and if you turn 360 degrees and really look at everything you see, it’s all touched a truck.

What other industry could cripple the economy in less than a month if it disappeared? What other industry is essential to ensure you eat tonight, have a roof over your head, get to work in your automobile of choice even if that’s a bus or Uber.


There is no other industry on the planet that has so much at stake.

For years now, my question remains the same.

“Why if we are part of something so big, WHY do we act small and try to cut each other’s throats?”

That is where HPLS takes shape. We believe there can be collaboration on many more levels than we presently have. We believe that everyone can win and achieve their desires both corporately and personally.

Dan Deigan 

Founder & CEO, High-Performance Logistics Sales (HPLS)

Online Training

The industry leading full curriculum sales training for Logistics & Transportation professionals. This online course was created with over two decades of experience in the trenches selling, organizing specific client programs, on-boarding clients, managing a team, and maintaining a process to keep selling and minimize getting caught in the operations vortex.

How would you answer these questions?

  • Do you procrastinate when making cold calls?
  • Do you get stumped on the phone with prospects?
  • Do you ever get the feeling like nothing was accomplished as you’re walking out the door of your office to go home after what fees like the longest day ever?
  • Do you believe you have more in you to scale your business to greater heights of sales and profitability?
  • Do you want to be known as a pro in this industry and separate yourself from all the noise?
  • Are you delivering services that help your clients achieve their goals?

If any of these questions resonate with you, then you should check out HPLS’s Online course.

Live In-house Sales Training

Everyone learns differently, has different levels of personal motivation, and get overwhelmed at different times during the education process.

Some learn better online and some need one on one personal coaching. HPLS offers live coaching both at your location or live online.

Our live sales training comes with

  • Assessment periods
  • Goal discovery and full program fulfillment
  • Timeline training and discovery points to ensure your team stays on track.
  • Client profile training

And much more. Click the learn more button to get the full training process.

Live Events

Our live events bring together industry leaders, sales training, and time to meet everyone you need to know to scale your business in months, NOT years.

Industry Leaders discuss topics like:

  • How new regulations will impact costs.
  • How decreased capacity will raise rates.
  • How government rules and laws will impact the industry.

And much more.

Sales training includes topics such as:

  • Reverse Engineered Logistics.
  • Executable Resource Roadmap Training.
  • Cold call flow framework.

And much more.

Dan’s Personal Brand Site & Blog

If you would like to find out more about Dan and his other missions, head over to where you can read his blogs and get FREE training.

Dan Deigan is one of those people in the top one-half of one percent who is on fire about living, on fire about learning, and on fire about sharing his knowledge of success to help others grow exponentially and achieve their own personal greatness.

Rico Racosky

CEO, Just 2 Choices

There are few forces on this earth more powerful than PASSION. And when passion is directed towards helping others unleash their best, it is truly unstoppable. Dan Deigan is the epidome of enthusiasm, wisdom, energy, and heart. Watch his videos again and again. With each viewing, you’ll discover new pearls that can change your life and ignite you to lift all those around you. There is personal greatness within you. Let my good friend Dan Deigan teach you the secrets to let it shine!

Brian Biro

America's Breakthrough Coach

Dan Deigan has become one of today’s top teachers in the success and personal development genre. Having gotten to know Dan, I continue to be more and more impressed, not only by his vast knowledge regarding the mechanics of success but also by his HUGE goal and desire to help others achieve THEIR goals and desires. Stick with Dan. You’ll have a terrific coach and mentor!

Bob Burg

Author & Speaker